Hourly SakuMasu!

🌸Bot updates every hour🌸
🎧Posts quotes, images and lyrics🎧
🌸SakuMasu Rights🌸
🎧Please DM if you spot any errors!🎧

More Info

🌸 mod is twitter user @_sakunya!
🎧 this is a bot, but i have the right to block if you take interactions with this account too far/make the mod uncomfortable
🌸 please don't spam with rts/qrts/replies!
🎧 no hate replies/messages please
🌸 this /is/ a sakumasu bot, so if you don't like the ship, just don't interact
🎧 sakumasu gay.


A3! EN Localization
A3! Main Story (EN Version)
Masumi Usui Mini-Chats
MANKAI Company Blog
Alex in Wonderland
Harugaoka Quartet
Spring has come!
Bokura no Kizuna
Other Media:
Yaycupcake A3! Publications
A3! Official Fanbook Party!
B's-Log Backstage For You!
Degenki Girl's Style: A3!RING